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DWTF Events Apps

4.8 ( 4928 ratings )
Desenvolvedor: Indra Rahdian

Apa itu DWTF?
Drilling & Wells Technology Forum (DWTF) merupakan agenda rutin setiap 2 tahun dari fungsi Drilling & Well Intervention (DWI) yang didesain untuk mengakomodasi sinergi terhadap inovasi maupun teknologi baru dan ajang bertukar pikiran, pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan diaplikasikan pada kegiatan Drilling & Well Intervention di seluruh Pertamina (Persero), dengan melibatkan kementerian ESDM, SKK Migas dan kontraktor sebagai stakeholders yang sangat berperan dalam kegiatan operasional migas pengeboran dan well intervention.
Selain itu, harapannya kegiatan ini dapat menjadi forum penghubung dan katalisator antara seluruh fungsi DWI dan fungsi-fungsi lain yang berkaitan dengan DWI di bawah Pertamina (Persero) demi meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi operasional drilling & well intervention dan konsistensi terhadap penerapan nilai-nilai Kompeten, Harmonis, Adaptif, dan Kolaboratif pada core values AKHLAK.

What is DWTF?
The Drilling & Wells Technology Forum (DWTF) is a biennial event organized by the Drilling & Well Intervention (DWI) function, designed to accommodate synergy towards innovation and new technologies, and serve as a platform for exchanging thoughts, knowledge, and experiences that can be utilized and applied to Drilling & Well Intervention activities throughout Pertamina (Persero). This event involves the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), SKK Migas, and Contractors as key stakeholders that play a significant role in oil and gas drilling and well intervention operations.
Furthermore, it is hoped that this event can become a connecting forum and catalyst between all DWI functions and other functions related to DWI under Pertamina (Persero), in order to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of drilling & well intervention operations and maintain consistency in applying the values of Competent, Harmonious, Adaptive, and Collaborative in accordance with the core values of AKHLAK.